the power wing to let off steam ....
... a Mystic from the Dragonforge Elliot ....
It's always been a dream to fly a big delta... with the Mystic's 4.20m wingspan, it's come true.
It took a few take-offs and landings before the fear of him gave way to respect and then to the joy of flying.
Its majestic appearance makes many a walker pause in fascination and other kite pilots respectfully distance themselves.

built from 12mm carbon fiber and 4mm GRP battens. It can be set up in just a few minutes.
A 140kp line helps me to tame him.
the Mystic pulls its tracks powerfully but slowly, even spins succeed with it. Only at the edge of the wind window does it require a quick spin, otherwise the pull breaks off and the Mystic falls with the tip of the leading edge to the ground. In the meantime I have also learned how to land the wing cleanly on the trailing edge and then release it again in the air.

it's a bigger kite that you're dragging across the airfield and you're sure to get the attention of the other kite flyers. In the picture I flew the Mystik at the airport in Malmsheim.
The pilot has to brace himself against the pulling force with all his weight. But as soon as you fly the kite from midwind, the pull decreases. So you can also relax a little from time to time and then brace yourself against it again.

In the video - filmed by Alex with his cell phone - you can see how the mysticism is really pulling...
She can pull her tracks majestically. There is always something majestic about great dragons.

Here in 2002 at the kite festival in Malmsheim he was always an "eye-catcher"
March 13, 2016 in Harscheid - I bought a new line for the Long Dart Team:
no Liros DC162 with 175 daN
wanted to try the lines and then added the mysticism to it....
First of all: it was a brilliant afternoon, the wind was right and the sun showed up from time to time and the mysticism once again made its majestic and powerful courses. The Liros works well, only the leash is gray and therefore invisible on the meadow.

snapped here on the Liros DC162 in flight from the hand

On July 6th, 2016 at the 6th Wolsing Flying in Sankt Peter Ording I was able to fly the Mystik for a whole hour in the sky over the North Sea. It was awesome.

On July 29, 2017 at the 7th Wolsing Flying in Sankt Peter Ording, mysticism was allowed to come out of the bag again. We had space and we could chase them across the sand with the long lines.

Alex was obviously having more and more fun taming the big wing and just enjoying the sight.
It is always a dream to perform mysticism and marvel at the sky.

The two following pictures show the majestic flight over the large sandbox on the North Sea beach.

On July 2nd, 2020 at the 10th Wolsing Flying in Sankt Peter Ording, Ralf, the nasty Friesian and myself were able to practice some team flying with our Mystic. Ralf made a beautiful Mystic in winter 19/20. Equipped with 10 tubes, it goes a little earlier than mine, but they are identical in flight.
My Mystic waited in the North Sea sand until Ralf set up his and it was ready for the maiden flight.

And then they both stood next to each other at the start and we looked forward to what was in front of us like little children.

The following pictures show how much fun it was to play with the big birds in the big sandy shore. The Mystic gives an experienced pilot a lot of leeway to master the airspace together.

What a great flight together with Ralf. I hope to do a team flight like this again with a Mystic. Yes you need space to fly with the 50m lines. But a show and some passers-by stopped and admired these beautiful big birds.
The next assignment was on November 21, 20 on my house lawn together with Micha from Mendig. He wanted to find out and test whether the Mystic was for him. It was a fresh wind with a steady 3 to 4 bft, ideal for large kites.

With one of the few gusts, Ralf had to realize that the Mystic can also pull. She then forced him to take a few steps forward once or twice.

Micha was hooked and then bought a Mystic.
In December 20 we wanted to fly our two Mystics, unfortunately the wind wasn't at home at the moment... so we just took a group picture with Micha.

A year later, in mid-October 2021, we met in Harscheid and let our Mystiks glide across the meadow on 100 lines.
What an airspace you suddenly have with the long lines. And mysticism knows how to use this.

Here Micha flew my mysticism on his long lines over his 7.6 flaki. It was a beautiful day with great wind.
Imperial weather

He had built a second Mystik in 10mm rodding. The red - blue shines wonderfully in the sky.
Yes, if the mystic has cast a spell on you.

My mysticism was also happy about the spout on the very long lines.
Next time we'll make them even longer :-)
If you want to build this wonderful kite now, you can download the Elliot building instructions as a PDF file.