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the phoenix, a light wind sniffer....

Bernd Post from Ludwigsburg is an enthusiastic single-line pilot and as such he is always designing great new kites. Like this phoenix here, which is an absolute expert in light winds.

an excerpt from his building instructions:.

Now to the kite, the phoenix is an absolute light wind kite from 0.5 bft (the first Genkis flies, and you can set up your phoenix without any worries ) to a maximum of 2 bft (it has already been up in Fano for a whole day), more I would not expect the phoenix.

Here you can download the building instructions from Kite Builders, the online magazine of the kite scene:

building instructions

The wingspan is 2 meters and the standing height is also 2 meters.

Equipped with 5 mm carbon fiber tube in the keel and the upper spreader in 4 mm carbon tube. The lower spreader is held in 3 mm carbon tube. This makes for a light but stable kite.

I have  no construction pictures made but the pictures of the finished kite. The first one I built is a blue kite designed by Birgit. I then gave her the kite and we use the kite as a lifter for our KAP camera. More about this soon on a separate page for photography from the dragon.

(everybody can do it with the drone :-) )

an image to set the mood for this magnificent kite.


This picture was taken in August 2018 in my yard  after completion


yes, you can already see the presence the great dragon will have in the sky despite its lightness.

of course, this bird must also have its own individual bag.


At the beginning of August in Sankt Peter-Ording he was allowed to show what he can do for the first time and he mastered his maiden flight with flying colors.


After he was nailed to the sky and allowed himself a very steep line angle, I added my Japanese koi carp as line decorations. So he stood in the North Sea air for several hours.

But eight days later, Birgit was also allowed to release her phoenix into the air.


In September I also built myself a phoenix because I really liked the dragon and I didn't have one anymore.

I wanted to play with the different light reflections from different fabrics and sewed the sail surfaces together with a slightly stronger and denser Spinnaker 60D and with slightly lighter and more translucent Icarex. The colored applications are in Spinnaker W-40.


On September 30, 2018, we were also able to successfully complete the maiden flight of this phoenix. We then had both Phoenix together in the air.


Since I had to take pictures, Birgit held both kites in one hand, which was absolutely no problem for the phoenix.


What we also noticed, however, is that the chosen 30daN line is too heavy for the light wind sniffer on windless days.

Next, both will get a Liros LC20 with 20daN. This extremely light line will then no longer sag.

And now we are already looking forward to the mass start in mid-October 2018 at the Drachenfest in Malmsheim. And of course I will post pictures here.


So now, as promised, here's a picture of the mass start in Malmsheim ...


On August 30th, 2019 we visited Franz Johann on the Halde North Germany. The wind only allowed light wind flying and so the phoenix was also allowed to fly over the Lower Rhine.

Unfortunately, the left leading edge of the middle wing was splintered and we were only able to repair it with fiberglass tape on the mountain.


Because of the asymmetrical wing, it tended to loop again and again, and without further ado it was given the tail of the Toront.
This stabilized the kite enormously. Only for the use of the camera the wind was not enough.


Of course, the phoenix in front of the hall house that adorns the mountain also had to be photographed. From up here you have a fantastic view over the Lower Rhine and the Ruhr area.


If only it weren't for the arduous ascent up the mountain... it's a leisurely descent down the Himmelstreppe with its countless steps.


On February 28, 2021 I celebrated my own little kite festival in the Eifel. At times I had up to 6 single lines in the sky. and  If you've done it yourself, you know what I'm talking about :-)


Of course, the phoenix could not be missing and flew here in the blue sky.


Of course, when we got home, the defective 4mm leading edge was replaced with a new one. So the phoenix is ready for use again.

© 2022 by Harald Bertsch.

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